Minggu, 04 Desember 2016




In the framework of acceleration to fight against corruption, hereby instructing:

1.      Ministers of the United Indonesia Cabinet;
2.      Attorney General the Republic of Indonesia;
3.      Head of Indonesian National Army;
4.      Head of State Police of the Republic of Indonesia;
5.      Head of Government Institution Non Department;
6.      Governors;
7.      Regents and Mayors.

To Conduct:
FIRST: Throughout the Government Officials whom including in the categories of State Officials pursuance on the Law number 28 Year 1999 regarding the State Organizer who is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism whose does not reported his/her wealth yet, for reported soon to the  Corruption Eradication Commission.
SECOND:  To assist the Corruption Eradication Commission in the framework of reporting organizer, registration, announcement and inspection of the State-Executive Properties Report surrounding.
THIRD: To arrange a performance stipulation with Subordinate Official gradually, by the purpose to realize a certain performance attainment with certain resource, through a determined of performance target and also indicators which to pointed out the goal either result or benefit.

FOURTH: To increase the public services quality in the form of services and also licensing through services transparent and standardization which consist of terms, date line of finish target, and cost tariff have to paid by the public to obtain services mentioned according to the laws and regulations, and to wipe out the briberies.   
FIFTH: Determine a program and jurisdiction which the scope of duty, authority and it is responsibility as corruption-free of program and jurisdiction.
SIXTH: To perform Presidential Decree Number 80 Year 2003 regarding Government Procurement of Goods/Services consistently a preventive against multifarious of leakage and dissipation in the use of state finance whether derive from State Budget or Regional Budget.
SEVENTH: To carry into effect simplicity whether officially or private-life style and also retrenchment activities organizer which direct effect to the state finance.
EIGHTH: Giving maximal support toward increasing fight against corruption effort shall be conducted by the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia, the Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Corruption Eradication Commission through quicken giving information related with lawsuit of corruption criminal and to quicken granting of inspection license to witness/suspect.
NINTH: To perform cooperation with the Corruption Eradication Commission for deep learn and study into the systems which potentially induce of a corruption criminal in the scope of duties, authorities and respective of responsibilities.
TENTH: To increase a great effort of supervision and apparatus improvement for nullify corrupt behavior surrounding.
ELEVENTH:  Especially to:
1. Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Minister of Finance and State Minister/Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency to perform a study and trial-test for the implementation E-Procurement System which can be used together by Government Agencies.
2.  Minister of Finance to conduct supervision of implementation in the provision of taxation, customs and excise, non-tax revenues, and budget for nullify leakage in the state finance acceptance, and also to study multifarious the laws and regulations in connection with the state finance which can open onto opportunities the corruption practice happen, and all at once to prepare a perfecting draft of the laws and regulations.
3. State Minister/Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency to arrange the National Action Plan (RAN) Fight against Corruption Year 2004-2009, by coordinating with the relating Minister/Head of Government Institution Non-Department and public element and also the Corruption Eradication Commission.
4.  State Minister for Enhancement of Efficiency of State Apparatus:
a. To prepare a policy formula for increasing effort of public services quality.
b. To prepare a policy formula in the framework of formation performance stipulation from the Government Officials.
c. To prepare a policy formula to carry into effect of the Good Governance Principles to the Regional Government, Government Institution Non-Department and Department.
d. To conduct a study for reform the system of state official affairs.
e. To undertake of coordinating, monitoring and to evaluate the implementation of this Presidential Instruction.
5. Minister of Justice and Human Rights:
a. To prepare a formula for law amendments in the framework of synchronize and optimize effort to eradication corruption.
b. To prepare a draft of the laws and regulations is needed for implementation of the law relating with the eradication corruption criminal.
6. State Minister for State-Owned Enterprises to be granted a guideline and implemented to carry into effect of management the good corporate principles on State-Owned Enterprises.
7. Minister of National Education to organizer educations which contain inculcate of spirit in substance and behavior of anti-corruption for each education level whether formal or non-formal.
8. Minister for Information and Communication to movement and education socialized of anti-corruption and champagne to the public.
9. Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia:
a. To optimize investigation and prosecution effort of corruption criminal to punish of the perpetrator and to save the state financial.
b. To prevent and give emphatic sanction to the misappropriation of authorities which done by the Attorney/General Prosecutor in the framework of law enforcement.
c. To be increased cooperation with the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia, Development Finance Controller (BPKP), Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), State Institution relating with law enforcement effort and indemnification of state financial in consequence of corruption criminal.
10. Head of State Police of the Republic of Indonesia:
a. To optimize investigation effort of corruption criminal to punish of the perpetrator and to save the state financial.
b. To prevent and give emphatic sanction to the misappropriation of authorities which done by the member of State Police of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of law enforcement.
c. To be increased cooperation with the Attorney of the Republic of Indonesia, Development Finance Controller (BPKP), Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), State Institution relating with law enforcement effort and indemnification of state financial in consequence of corruption criminal.
11. Governors and Regents/Mayors:
a. To carry into effect the Good Governance Principles to the Regional Government surrounding.
b. To increase public services and to be implemented on nullify of briberies.
c. Together with the Regional House of Representatives to perform prevention of leakage possibilities of state financial whether source from State Budget or Regional Budget.

TWELFTH: So that to implement this Presidential Instruction with full responsibility and reported of it result to the President.

This Presidential Instruction shall come into effect at the date of issuance.

Issued in Jakarta
At December 9, 2004


This copy is in conformity with the original one.

Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet
for Law and Legislation

Lambock V. Nahattands

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